Stephen Beer oversees and manages LGIM’s roles in its strategic relationships linked to responsible investment, working with organisations such as the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) and the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAM). He oversees and manages LGIM’s responsible investment integration strategy, including our net zero approach.
Previously, Stephen was responsible for LGIM’s investment stewardship engagement with companies on climate and alignment with net zero, particularly via our Climate Impact Pledge, as well as engaging with companies on other issues.
Stephen’s entire career has been focused on responsible investing and investment stewardship for pensions and charities. Prior to joining LGIM in 2022, he held the combined role of chief investment officer and head of ethics/ESG at the Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church and Epworth Investment Management. He has also been a portfolio manager, investment strategist, and pension scheme trustee. He writes and speaks on ESG issues.